OT Lily Boogie Woogie
2,20 €
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2,20 €
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Yellow with a soft pink edge These new Exclusive Orient and Trumpet Lily varieties are in a class by themselves and are a hybridizer’s perfect cross between the exotic Orientals and regal Trumpet Lily varieties. They are sometimes referred to as Orientpets.
The regal splendor of Oriental lilies gives the crowning touch to your summer garden. They carry your garden through the hot summer into balmy autumn with their magnificent blooms, which are at least 6" across. The tall varieties lend an airy elegance when spotted through the back of the border. All are unsurpassed for cutting, having a very long vase life. The flamboyant flowers, with their gracefully recurved petals, are delightfully fragrant during the day, but their perfume is postively heady at night. They are very long lived in the garden and will multiply over the years. Taller varieties need staking. They prefer lots of sun on their tops and some shade at their feet, a problem easily solved by planting them among shorter perennials.