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The handsome ‘Pico’ bears big, fragrant, up- facing, deep magenta blooms with violet undertones. The tips of at least three petals are white. These widely opening flowers are borne in succession in midsummer on sturdy stems lined with lance-shaped dark green foliage.

Oriental lilies result from complex crosses of several Asian lily species. They are renowned for their large, flaring, bowl-shaped blooms. The blooms are often spotted, fragrant and have distinctive hairs at the base of the tepals. They are borne atop upright stems lined with glossy green, narrow, lance-shaped leaves. Once they have flowered they will not bloom again until the following year, so be sure to plant them with ornamentals that look great later in the season.

This lily grows its finest in full to partial sun and neutral, well-drained, humus-rich soil. It grows from scaled bulbs that are easily planted; a typical planting depth is eight inches for Oriental hybrids. Beauties like ‘Pico’ are ideal for perennial borders, large containers and cutting gardens–anywhere where their color and fragrance can be appreciated. Remove the anthers (pollen pods) of the cut flowers when brought inside as they will stain fabrics.