
Product Details

Eranthis hyemalis


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SKU: SKU1553

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Commonly known as the Winter Aconite, Eranthis hyemalis roughly translates from Greek as spring flower. One of the earliest of the spring bloomers, sometimes even before Galanthus, Eranthis hyemalis dates back to the 16th century when it was native to a good part of western Europe. As you can see in the photo, Eranthis hyemalis is a strange looking, wizened, irregularly-shaped, small dark tuber. A tuberous rootstock, it produces low-growing foliage rosettes from which short garnet-brown stems emerge with little bright yellow flowers with faint, delicate veins and a center filled with bright yellow stamen. (It was wonderful to see a bee dive into one flower as if it were a bathtub, and dredge himself in pollen.)
Deer- and rodent-resistant, Eranthis hyemalis is best grown in moist, humus-rich, neutral pH, well-draining soil in full sun to partial sunlight. Unlike most bulbs, it can handle, and may even prefer, soil that has a bit more moisture in the winter and spring, but never in a spot that gets waterlogged at any time. Eranthis hyemalis is a good naturalizer. If it’s happy where it’s planted and left undisturbed, it naturalizes by bulb offsets (called bulbils: baby bulbs on the sides of the mother bulb you’ve planted), and maybe even by self-sowing seed. It’s terrific planted en masse in natural settings like sunny woodland borders, clusters in gardens along with Species Crocus, Galanthus and Rock Garden Iris. You’ll need nine bulbs per square foot. (Square footage is determined multiplying the planting site’s length times its width.)