Parrot gladiolus ODESSA
1,50 €
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1,50 €
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Heavily ruffled flowers Height: 90-100cm Prefers sun or part-sun. Blooms in the summer Winter hardy in zones 8-10, elsewhere dig and store in the winter. Immediate shipping The Parrot Gladiolus are a delightful group of gladiolus with their heavily ruffled flowers. To achieve the best result plant the gladiolus in large clumps of a least five bulbs. Their sword-like foliage and tall, impressive flower spikes, make striking accents in the mixed flower border. For best garden effect, plant in groups of six or more of a single color, or grow dozens of them in a bed reserved for cutting. Imagine the luxury of having armloads of glads to display around the house! Gladiolus will grow in any good garden soil but do need full sun and good drainage. Space planting times at two week intervals from early spring to late June to ensure a continuation of mid and late summer blooms. Height 36-48" tall. Gladiolus will winter over in the garden in zones 8-11; elsewhere dig them up in the fall and store indoors. Parrot Mix of Bi-Colored Glads. This group is Hybridizers Heaven, a glamorous mix of the famous mutli-colored beauties.